Clara Molloy, co-founder of Memo Paris, loves nothing more than inviting writers to share the world of perfume—her world. Because she has a passion for literature and words. Always has. In parallel with her role as the brand’s artistic director, she also writes—both prose and poetry. Many have accepted her invitation, offering their vision of a fragrance, lending a part of their language to accompany that of a scent. Words to express a meaning, a sensation. Pens to trace a trail on the skin.

Freelance journalist, author, and editor-in-chief of the art magazine Profane for the past ten years, Carine Soyer has also developed a long-term editorial collaboration with Memo Paris, giving voi...
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French writer and poet born in 1975, he also teaches literature in preparatory classes and at Sciences Po in Reims. He published his first poetry collection, La Trace d’une visite, in 2016 with Che...
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A French poet of Italian origin born in 1958, most of his work is published by Cheyne éditeur. Though he lives and writes in a small village in Normandy, he has travelled extensively, notably along...
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Born in 1997, Victor Malzac is a French poet who thrives on diverse experiences—performing, reading aloud, and exploring the stage. He also writes free prose, including Créatine (2024, Gallimard), ...
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Poet and novelist born in 1978, she also teaches literature at a middle school. Her work has been widely acclaimed, earning numerous literary awards for the unique power of her storytelling, partic...
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Born in 1966, she is a television and radio journalist, as well as a novelist and filmmaker. Her first book, L’increvable Monsieur Schneck (2006), humorously revisits the story of her grandfather’s...
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Born in 1965 and a certified professor of modern literature, Thomas Clerc is a writer, essayist, poet, and university lecturer. His first work, Maurice Sachs le désœuvré, was published in 2005 by É...
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Born in 1990 in Spain, she is a poet, editor, journalist, and translator—a voice of a new generation of writers seeking to connect poetic expression with social media, language with communication. ...
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Born in Haiti in 1994, Jean D’Amérique is a poet. His work, published by Cheyne, Théâtrales, and Actes Sud—where his debut novel Soleil à coudre appeared in 2021—has been recognized with several aw...
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Born in 1976, he studied literature in Lyon and Paris, which led him to work in educational publishing before moving to Japan in 2007, where he taught French. Since 2017, he has been co-director of...
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Writer, literary journalist, specialist in Francophone literature, and creator of musical readings, she was also a producer at France Culture from 1990 to 2010. She came to writing with Carnets de ...
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Born in 1977, he is a physical education teacher at a middle school in Lorraine, and words have become a vital need for him—writing, a necessity. He has published several works where language is en...
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Born in Brussels in 1991, he published his first collection of short stories at the age of 23 (under his name, Célestin de Meeûs), followed by poems and short prose pieces. In 2018, he received the...
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Born in Oviedo, Spain, in 1982, she has lived in the United States, Italy, Egypt, and Lebanon. She received the Adonáis Prize for Poetry for her first book, Un poemario (Rialp, 2008), and continues...
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